Thursday, April 10, 2014

Main Idea Lesson, will be re-worked

Schuyler School
Teacher- Joanna Alemany
8th Grade ELA
Lesson:Summarizing the main idea.
Class Length: 84 mins
Students will know and be able to identify how to summarize the main idea.


  • Extended Time
  • Preferential Seating
  • Instructional Assistance
  • Grade Adjustment
  • Other


Do Now:
How do you decide whether you would like to watch a movie or a TV show?
(Examples of main ideas: coming attractions, back of the movie, title of episodes.)

What does it mean to summarize?
How can we tell what a main idea is?
Article will be on desk, students will begin reading popcorn style using the Lemov strategy,(rinse lather repeat.
Assigned groups of 2

Guided Practice:
Students will call out the number 1 or 2 going down the line. Students will break off into groups.
In groups, skim and scan the reading, answer the questions in the packet.
return to seats, students will write a summary in which they reference important details from the article.

Who can tell me what a main idea is?

Who can summarize the reading or read their paragraph?

Why do you need to know this?
-You need to know how to read and understand texts enough to summarize what is important about the reading.

Collect packet, teacher observation.

What does the title tell us about the article?

Pause between paragraphs to check for understanding.

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