Thursday, April 10, 2014

Poetry Unit- Ode Project

I want to start by saying poetry is one of the toughest things to teach. Students, for the most part, do not like it. Getting them motivated is challenging. I let the class know, in the beginning, that the final assessment would be, them creating their own odes. I will post the assignment and rubric I gave to the students.
The students did not like the poetry unit in the beginning, they did not like  the ode project either, but in the end, they loves the result!
Ode Assignment

For your final assignment you will be writing an Ode. There are parameters, specifically length. I need to see 15 or more lines. There needs to be at least 6 literary devices used throughout the poem as well. There should be a first draft and a final copy. This should be well thought out.
The final copy needs to be typed.
This can be funny! It can be serious, the choice IS yours.

Tips for Ode Writing
Choose a subject you have strong feelings about, it is easier to write about something you like/love/adore..
Describe your subject inside and out, description will really help you build your poem.
You can exaggerate how important the subject is to you. Think of the poems I shared.
Use your five senses to generate ideas, if it fits. Sight,smell,touch, taste, and feel.
Use metaphors and similes. Figurative language is KEY.
You can talk directly to the subject of your ode.
Choose your words carefully so the words chosen have the most impact.

To get started:
Write down 15 things you really appreciate, enjoy, or simply adore.
Pick a winner from your list,  then start drafting out a list of everything you notice, feel, smell, taste, hear, think and/or wonder about your topic, aim for 15.  
That list of 15 things about your subject is the shell of your poem.
Have fun with this!

The accompanying rubric is how you will be graded. Use it to guide your work and self grade before handing it in. The lines are the bottom are for your reflection.
Think about the following:
Write a few sentences about how your poem turned out. What ideas or lines are you happy about or proud of? What did you struggle with or find difficult?

Scoring Rubric

Poetic Technique
For a score of  a “5”
Student Score
“Ode” form
Creatively and effectively uses the appropriate poetic form.
5 4 3 2 1
Word Choice
Student’s use of vocabulary is vivid, and paints a strong clear and complete picture in the reader’s mind. use the best words for poem.
5 4 3 2 1
Poetic Techniques
Uses 6 poetic devices appropriately to strengthen to poem.Do not use 6 of the same device. Aim for 2 of 3 different ones.
5 4 3 2 1
Has grade-level appropriate spelling, grammar, and punctuation; contains few, if any, errors that do not interfere with the reader’s understanding.
This is why I need a draft that has been peer reviewed.
5 4 3 2 1
Student’s work demonstrates a complete understanding of the assignment and goes beyond the requirements, I will be watching and checking that you are working diligently.
5 4 3 2 1
Oral rendition
Reads with fluidity and expression with a clear voice.Pace yourself, this isn't a race.
5 4 3 2 1

Literary Devices
alliteration          rhyme         onomatopoeia         personiļ¬cation
rhythm                 simile                  metaphor                    hyperbole

I used this site for a lot of my material:

Main Idea Lesson, will be re-worked

Schuyler School
Teacher- Joanna Alemany
8th Grade ELA
Lesson:Summarizing the main idea.
Class Length: 84 mins
Students will know and be able to identify how to summarize the main idea.


  • Extended Time
  • Preferential Seating
  • Instructional Assistance
  • Grade Adjustment
  • Other


Do Now:
How do you decide whether you would like to watch a movie or a TV show?
(Examples of main ideas: coming attractions, back of the movie, title of episodes.)

What does it mean to summarize?
How can we tell what a main idea is?
Article will be on desk, students will begin reading popcorn style using the Lemov strategy,(rinse lather repeat.
Assigned groups of 2

Guided Practice:
Students will call out the number 1 or 2 going down the line. Students will break off into groups.
In groups, skim and scan the reading, answer the questions in the packet.
return to seats, students will write a summary in which they reference important details from the article.

Who can tell me what a main idea is?

Who can summarize the reading or read their paragraph?

Why do you need to know this?
-You need to know how to read and understand texts enough to summarize what is important about the reading.

Collect packet, teacher observation.

What does the title tell us about the article?

Pause between paragraphs to check for understanding.

Spycam Lesson

Schuyler School
Teacher- Joanna Alemany
8th Grade ELA
Date(s): 3/11
Lesson:Reading/ Persuasive writing
Class Length: 84 mins
Objectives: Students will read an article about spy cams and then write a persuasive essay that either supports or denounces the use of spy cams.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.8.1Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.8.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.8.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.8.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciations.


  • Extended Time
  • Preferential Seating
  • Instructional Assistance
  • Grade Adjustment
  • Other

Work on essays.
Do Now:
Present the slideshow of pictures featuring an image of the all seeing eye, a big brother is watching poster, and a camera.
Students will do a quick write based on these images for 2 minutes.

As a group we will go over answers and I will guide the students to the  answer I am looking for with leading questions.
What is the first image of? Anyone know what it means? Why would it be featured on money?
What do you think about the government watching you?
Take a vote on who agrees and disagrees.
Who can tell me what a persuasive essay is?
What elements does a persuasive essay have to have?
Identify topic & position
list many good reasons (solid support)
organize key points
end with what you want
express your attitude
employ exact words

Guided Practice:
Read article using popcorn method with Lemov strategy (rinse, lather, repeat)
The class will get to choose what side they are taking.
Break into groups of 2, read article noting the questions afterward.
organize ideas for an essay. Tell: Use this time wisely because you will be writing your essay on your own.
*The essay will be written as a solo endeavor.

The idea today is to help you all improve your writing, specifically, persuasive writing which will be prominently featured on the NJ ASK.
Also, being able to write and substantiate your claims or opinions will be a skill you will always need.

Teacher observation, collecting the essays

The pyramids thirteen steps relate to the countries first 13 states. The eye is called the “eye of providence” or all seeing eye. It is an ancient symbol that dates back to Egyptian days, it is also known as the eye of Horus. The eye relates to the future, management skill, relates to God as overseer of the universe..

Camera image, who is they?

Big Brother is watching you, 1984, totalitarian state. People always monitored. The show Big Brother.