Thursday, March 6, 2014

Getting to know the class

I had a late start with student teaching. To top it off, I started at a new school with a new set of students and a different grade level. Once my first week jitters were calmed, I set upon learning the students. This is not easy. I had the classes create name tags so I could learn their names to faces. I also, made a point to speak to students as much and whenever possible so I could get to know them. I didn't want to waste any more time without teaching, so with my Co-ops approval I began teaching after 4 days of observation. Honestly this is the best things I could have done, there is no way to learn how to teach other than teaching!. Somethings require us to just jump in and learn, teaching is most definitely one of them. My first lesson I was shaking and though it went terribly. I am sure it wasn't as bad as I thought because the students responded well to me. My co-op is an older guy and has seen many teaching "fads" come and go. He is not the biggest fan of group work, but he lets me do it as much as  want. I immediately facilitated group learning and the students loved it. Watching them work with each other also helped me identify which students can simply work and remain unfazed by working with their peers, while some are not only distracted, but distracting as well. I immediately started thinking of ways to remedy the situation. I know in he future I will have to set clear parameters ,that if not followed will lead to assigned groups.
After teaching my first class, I immediately felt more comfortable in the classroom, the subsequent lessons went better and better, The students continue to respond well to my style and personality. I really like the classes, they are great kids. Even the problem children, try as they might, respond well.

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